Cinema program "Zoolander 2" in Częstochowa
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Runtime: 102 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: comedy
Release Date: 4 March 2016
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Ben Stiller
Cast: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Penelope Cruz
Cold, steely gaze, predatory tiger's eye ... only he can shoot gaze with the force magnum. Returns Derek Zoolander, the greatest, the only such star modeling. Beauty incarnate.
When was the last we saw the biggest stars of the male modeling Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and Hansel McDonald (Owen Wilson), were at the peak of fame, szefując "Centre them. Derek Zoolander for children who can not read or want to learn other cool things, "a ferocious Mugatu (Will Ferrell) was behind bars. Since then, everything has changed, the Centre them. Zoolander does not exist, and Derek and Owen live in humiliation out of the main events of the fashion world.
But I just received an invitation to the eternal city of Rome, to take part in the big event a fashion that can help them get back to them in the hot spotlight and bring back the glory days. I met with a strange, eccentric designers who stand out somewhat from the mainstream. Derek and Hansel quickly realize that the world of high fashion is a completely different place from that which they knew years ago. And when trying to find themselves in the world of fashion blogs, vlogs and fashion antymodowej must face the real challenge. Stop the mortal danger that would forever change the world of fashion, destroy its foundations and redefine beauty. Only they can SAVE MODE!

Movie trailer: Zoolander 2
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Przyzwoity scenariusz. Zgrabna parodia świata mody i show biznesu. W rolach drugoplanowych wiele gwiazd min. Sting, Justin Beber itd. Momentami zabawny.