Cinema program "Rock'n Roll" in Częstochowa
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Runtime: 123 min.
Production: Francja , 2017
Category: comedy / music
Release Date: 30 June 2017
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Guillaume Canet
Cast: Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard, Philippe Lefebvre
A comedic instruction manual for the middle-aged crisis, which will show how from the "mediocre" to become a rock'n'roll heart conqueror. The film stars Marion Cotillard ("Midnight in Paris") and Guillaume Canet ("Heavenly Beach") - real life partners in the role of a movie couple! Also featured on screen are Gilles Lellouche ("Unbelievers") and Ben Foster ("Inferno").
When a beautiful young girl says that you are no longer in the "let's go to bed" list of any woman, it means time for: a) a slow retirement, b) choosing a gravestone, c) radical change of life and image! Guillaume, a popular 40-year-old actor, has heard exactly what he has heard from his 20-year-old colleague "after the job." Initially depressed, he soon decides to make drastic changes. Is a settled man, with a beautiful wife (Marion Cotillard), a few years old child and a passion for riding in a picturesque French countryside, able to work out the image of a party of rebels to fight the fans? The transformation that awaits him will soon break out of control and surpass the wildest expectations of all.

Movie trailer: Rock'n Roll
Your comments
Do pewnego momentu nawet rokuje że zmieści się w kategorii "trochę głupiej ale śmiesznej komedii francuskiej",ale od połowy staje się taką żenadą,że wstydzisz się że na to patrzysz. Porażka.Francjo wstyd!
Bardzo zabawny,realistyczny, osobom po 40 daje dużo do myślenia co tak w życiu jest najważniejsze
Strata czasu i pieniędzy !!!
Ok. Inteligentny. Zabawny i satyryczny. O kryzysie wieku sredniego, przemijaniu i wspolczesnym show-biznesie... oraz... metamorfozach..