
Dennis Storhoi - filmography

12 January 2018

Bamse och haxans dotter
Directed by: Christian Ryltenius, Maria Blom
Cast: Dennis Storhoi, Jonas Karlsson, Peter Haber
Category: animation / family

Bad Krezus finds gold in the beaver creek. He decides to steal it, but must first neutralize the Bamse bear. So she sent the daughter of the sorceress Lova to make her a teddy bear. At this time, Krezus... more

25 October 2013

Zwei Leben
Directed by: Georg Maas
Cast: Juliane Kohler, Ken Duken, Liv Ullmann, Rainer Bock, Dennis Storhoi
Category: drama / thriller

Europa, rok 1990. Wieści na temat upadku muru berlińskiego docierają do uszu dojrzałej Katrine (Juliane Kohler) – żony, matki i babci. Mimo, że Katrine płynnie mówi po norwesku i na północy Europy... more